Bring the Inspiring Story to Your Community
We’ve created the First Lady of the Revolution Screening Package to give schools, nonprofits, businesses and community organizations an easy-to-use resource for hosting their own screening of the film. Bring your community together to watch Henrietta’s incredible true story and lead a meaningful discussion about topics including the advancement of women’s rights, democracy, the fruits of cross-cultural exchange, Costa Rican history, senior living and more.
About the Screening Package
The First Lady of the Revolution Screening Package is an easy-to-use resource that includes everything you’ll need for hosting your community screening:
– DVD, Blu-Ray or digital download of the film (71 minutes)
– Postcards / Flyers / Key Art
– Invitation templates
– Press Kit
– License to exhibit the film at your facility
Who Can Host a Screening?
Anyone! Simply follow these steps:
1) Choose a date, time and location for your screening
2) advertise your event using the included flyer and invitation templates
3) Screen the film, foster discussion, and get to know your community better!
How Licensing Works
We offer a tiered licensing and pricing system to make the film accessible to all types of groups and organizations. The Screening Package includes a public performance license at one facility. To charge admission for your screening, contact info@sparkmedia.org for additional licensing options.
Order Now
Order the First Lady of the Revolution Screening Package with the appropriate license for your institution.
Library and Embassy Screening Initiatives
If you are interested in participating in our Library Screening Program, click for the English and Spanish versions of the Library Screening Kit.
If you are a Costa Rican Embassy or Consulate and interested in screening the film, please visit here for more information.